Tales of hearts english rom
Tales of hearts english rom

  • Enemy stats, AI, experience, gil, counters, etc… Have changed to resemble the enemies from the DS version.
  • Some spells were added and/or reworked according to the DS version.
  • Magic’s spell power, accuracy, delay, MP cost changed.
  • Initial spells and spells learned by level have changed to match the ones from the DS version.
  • Equipment’s stats, bonuses, elements, properties, etc… Have changed to resemble the weapons from the DS version.
  • Some algorithms were changed (accuracy, attack multiplier, magic defense multiplier, magic evasion, spell power, poison damage and frequency, gradual petrification’s frequency, armor/protect’s defense bonus, shell’s magic defense bonus …).
  • Parry now increases the defense(x2) and the magic defense(+25) until next turn to resemble the DS version.
  • Fusoya’s Bless restores some MP to the party.

    Cid’s new command “Imbue” which overwrites his weapon’s element to be ice, fire and lightning, which resembles the upgrade command from DS.

    tales of hearts english rom

    Cid’s Peep (and the Peep spell) works on bosses.Twin’s delay has been increased, and the spell power of their spells as well, just like the DS version.Cry’s effect improves the chance to deal critical hits, trying to resemble the damage bonus from the DS version of cry.Bluff’s effect changed to increase Wisdom by 12 instead of the original 16 (sorry, it’s still good though).Brace’s defense boost scales with a formula based on user’s level.Kick’s damage has increased, as stated above the damage can be increased even further if Yang has 1 charge of Focus.Focus’ effect has changed, now it stores 1 charge and it can be released with either Fight or Kick, similar to the DS version.Aim now works with any weapon as long as a weapon is equipped.Pray’s effect heals ~20% HP and some MP, and the success chance has slightly improved.Sing is a list of spells just like White/Black/Call, similar to the DS version, the command now works with any weapon as long as a weapon is equipped.Jump’s airtime has been increased just like in DS version.Dark’s effect has changed, it attacks one target at the cost of 1/8 of the user’s HP.Character’s stats have changed to the DS stats as much as possible.The delay of most commands have changed to resemble the DS version.

    tales of hearts english rom

    This is basically a hack designed with the DS version as inspiration.

    Tales of hearts english rom